Alumnus wins award for his "living wall"

SEA is thrilled to announce that our alumnus Billy Krimmel, founder of Miridae, won the Award of Excellence for Communication in this year's ASLA (American Society of Landscape Architects) Awards with its Seed Bank Living Wall project! It was created for DPR Construction's new regional HQ in downtown Sacramento. The wall uses dormant, live seeds of California native species to highlight their unseen elements and to tie the local species to their natural and potential distributions.

In addition to being featured as a full-page spread in the print copy of Landscape Architecture Magazine, the award is featured on ASLA's website, here.

Miridae beat several nationally known landscape architecture firms also competing for the award, which is some nice icing on the cake!

You can follow Miridae on IG @miridaelandscapes


SEA Innovator in Action Speaker event on 10/7


Shaunte LeAnn Hardy joins SEA in a new Marketing role